Chrome updated and now Goodreads font looks weird?

LEFT: What Chrome looked like pre-update, RIGHT: What Chrome looked like post-update.

With one unauthorized update Google made Chrome unusable with the new hideous rendering of fonts, especially in Outlook and Goodreads – the sites I use the most. Firefox and IE both look weird as well so switching to the competition wasn’t an option.

For some strange reason Chrome updated to the 32-bit version. So I downloaded the 64-bit. Installing it was another matter. Anyway, this didn’t have any effect. So I tried the flag solution which didn’t do anything and finally this shortcut solution worked.

Here are some instructions:

  1. Open ‘Computer’ >> click C: >> Program Files OR Program Files (86x) >> Google >> Chrome
  2. Right-click on Chrome.exe application >> Properties >> copy the location address
  3. On Desktop right-click >> New >> Shortcut >> paste the location address
  4. Right-click new shortcut >> Properties >> add to end of Target field so it looks like
    “XXXXXXXX\chrome.exe” /high-dpi-support=1 /force-device-scale-factor=1
  5. Close all Chrome windows and put an end to all Chrome tasks in Task Manager (right-click bar at the bottom of the screen >> Task Manager). Then I opened the new shortcut and BINGO! all better.

Note: You have to use this specific shortcut from now on to get the pre-update experience while benefiting from the new security features of the new update.

Image: Dev Metal

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